12 Best Essential Oils for Weight Loss

Step into every natural food shop and there will certainly be a shelf lined with bottles of essential oils that are fragrant. What the hell are you doing with them, though? Yeah, it turns out that you should integrate them into your everyday life and assist with your diet in a number of ways. Essential oils are really a versatile tool that can help detox your body, reduce your desire to overeat, and control your levels of stress.

For optimum benefits, there are different ways to add essential oils. After your shower, Staci Shacter, MS, RD, LDN, at Carillon Miami Beach suggests rubbing them on your feet. "Different parts of the bottom of your feet correspond to different organ systems in the body. This is the basis for reflexology," she says, "Rubbing essential oils of a medicinal quality onto your feet is a perfect way to get to the whole body with these potent oils! It is also one of the body's least sensitive skin regions."

Instead of lipstick, you should even dab vital oils on your wrists. And it's also okay to apply essential oils of a medicinal grade directly to wine, yogurt, food or other liquids. Shacter says, "Many people who try this don't seem to have any adverse reactions and actually report positive effects to their immune system, digestive system, energy, and mood," "Pay attention to your body. If it's too strong for you, do not take oils orally. You can also have one drop in your water three or four times a day."

With all that said, for optimum effects and benefits, which essential oils do you use? Here are the 12 best ones to help you maintain your weight and diet targets (and certified by experts!). Don't skip the 6 Best Teas for Weight Loss for another natural fitness solution!
Through its detoxifying and regenerating properties, the essential oil of lemon helps to lose pounds while increasing the vitality and mood levels. "It bumps up the vitamin C quotient and rejuvenates skin and body healing, "It bumps up the vitamin C quotient and rejuvenates skin and body healing. "Every morning, add 2 drops of lemon to the drink. If you're not happy eating essential oils, just apply one or two drops of lemon oil to the bottom of your feet. 
This exquisite scented oil encourages a sense of relaxation, reduces nervous fatigue, calms restlessness, and improves mental activity. When you feel zen, it's better to work on your weight and physical wellbeing and get into the right state of mind. "Lavender is great for digestion, sleep, and even pain relief," Morse says. "Put two drops on the wrists twice a day to support the adrenals or apply to the soles of the feet before bedtime."
"There is a ton of research showing how eating grapefruit helps promote weight loss by helping with blood sugar, appetite, and the breakdown of fat, "There is a ton of research showing how eating grapefruit helps promote weight loss by helping with blood sugar, appetite, and fat breakdown. "However, grapefruit essential oil has been shown to impact the same mechanisms for weight loss as eating grapefruit." Morse means that you can rub/massage the body to keep the blood and lymph flowing by applying a few drops to the c. Carrier oil is used to dilute natural oils before they are added to the skin. It is typically a base or vegetable oil.
Peppermint cleanses and is anti-inflammatory of the lymphatic system; it can help to release weight gain and delay digestion. "When applied topically, peppermint helps support the gallbladder and decreases inflammation as well," says Morse. Place a drop or two under the tongue or take a capsule with you. Dilute 1:3 (one drop essential oil to three drops carrier oil) and apply directly on the area of concern."
Bergamot is a citrus fruit with a lemon-like appearance, the size of an orange. "As an essential oil, it's a stress reliever and stress is a major contributor when it comes to emotional eating, illness, and disease," states Morse. "Bergamot creates a sense of well-being and relaxation, and it also regulates craving and lifts spirits." Apply to the bottom of the feet every morning or apply to a warm bath to have the full results.
It will drastically lower your cortisol levels by sniffing rosemary essential oil for five minutes. So not only are you less depressed, but yo,u can also thank your waistline! "Keep a little bottle by your bed and in your desk," Tone It Up says Karena Dawn and Katrina Hodgson. "In the morning when we get up or before we go to bed, and whenever we feel stressed throughout the day, we'll put a small dab on our wrists and breathe in with slow, diaphragmatic breaths. Bye-bye, high cortisol levels! Hello, bikini bod."
"Lemongrass is essential for drainage within the body," says Morse. "It's analgesic, anti-fungal, antioxidants, anti-parasitic, antiseptic, astringent and sedative." Apply it straight to the skin or add it to the body lotion for normal use.
Ginger is a well-known abdominal soother that is frequently used to help digestion and eliminate nausea and motion sickness. Yet it is also great for liver detox, blood sugar control and metabolism enhancement. "For everyday use, take in capsules or use as flavoring in cooking," Morse suggests.
Juniper Berry allows the body to throw away hazardous waste while enhancing liver function removal and supporting it. "Add two drops to your wrists twice a day to detox the liver, kidneys, colon, lungs and skin," Morse advises. "It can be found in doTerra's Zendocrine—a detoxification blend—of tangerine, rosemary, geranium, juniper berry, and cilantro essential oils that support the body's natural ability to rid itself of unwanted substances."
Slim and Sassy is a DoTerra blend that contains essential oils of grapefruit, citrus, peppermint, ginger, and cinnamon, and is also safe for internal use. "It's an appetite suppressant that works on cellulite, obesity, overeating, weight loss, cleansing the liver, balancing blood sugar, and improving metabolism,"It's an appetite suppressant that works on cellulite, obesity, overeating, weight loss, liver cleaning, blood sugar balancing, and metabolism enhancement.  "Add eight drops to 16 ounces of water and drink between meals throughout the day to help manage hunger, calm your stomach, and lift your mood."
You're less likely to get cravings and overeat when the blood sugar is healthy. "You are also not going to store as much fat," says Shacter. "Insulin spikes impact the way you burn and store energy. If you want to keep it burning, keep that blood sugar stable!" And cinnamon is known to improve the metabolism as well as break down sugars into energy instead of storing them as fat, according to NY Health and Fitness Life Coach Gina Lindsay. "To get the most benefit of cinnamon oil, take it before a meal," she says.

12.  Fennel Oil

Filled under Weight Loss Tips
The basic oil for fennel is actually a type of melatonin. Although you usually learn of people using melatonin as a sleep aid, by producing more healthy, beige or brown fat (which burns off as energy) instead of poor white fat, it has also been shown to decrease weight gain (which is stored for energy). In the Middle Ages, since it was an appetite suppressant, fennel seeds were consumed on fasting days. A research on fennel oil aromatherapy conducted on rats actually found that rats who inhaled fennel oil twice a day for 10 minutes consumed less calories and had a higher rate of digestion of food.
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