8 Supplements & Vitamins that can Help with Dry Skin

Dehydration, aging, seasonal changes, allergies, and micronutrient deficiencies are only few of the causes of dry skin(1Trusted Source).
Different treatment approaches, such as medicinal ointments and moisturizers, may be utilized to increase skin moisture depending on the reason of your dry skin.
Furthermore, lifestyle changes such as drinking more water and taking specific supplements may help to improve skin dryness.
Here are 8 vitamins and nutrients that can help with dry skin.
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is essential for a variety of bodily functions, including skin health. Keratinocytes are skin cells that make up the majority of the epidermis, or outer layer of your skin. Keratinocytes are the only cells in your body that can convert 7-Dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC) into a form that your body can utilize (2 Trusted Source).

Vitamin D is necessary for skin barrier function and cell growth, as well as the maintenance of the skin immune system, which serves as a first line of protection against infections (2 Trusted Source)Low blood levels of vitamin D have been linked to skin disorders like eczema and psoriasis, both of which produce dry skin, according to some studies (2 Trusted Source).Vitamin D supplements have also been reported to relieve the symptoms of skin conditions that produce dry, itchy skin, such as eczema (3 Trusted Source).

Furthermore, studies have shown a link between vitamin D and skin hydration. In a study of 83 women, researchers discovered that those with low vitamin D levels had lower average skin moisture than those with normal vitamin D levels, and that as blood levels of vitamin D climbed, so did skin moisture content (4 Trusted Source).

A 12-week study of 50 women found that daily treatment with a dietary supplement containing 600 IU of vitamin D improved skin moisture significantly. However, because the supplement contains a variety of minerals, it's uncertain if treatment with only vitamin D would have had the same favorable results (5 Trusted Source).

Vitamin D deficiency affects a big portion of the population, and because the nutrient is necessary for skin hydration, supplementing with it may help prevent dry skin(6 Trusted Source).
To assure the greatest quality, consult your healthcare professional before taking vitamin D supplements and opt for goods that have been third-party tested.
According to research, low vitamin D levels have been linked to an increased risk of dry skin. As a result, supplementing with this nutrient may aid in the improvement of skin moisture.

The skin-health-promoting benefits of fish oil are well-known.
It contains docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), two important fatty acids that have been demonstrated to benefit the skin in a variety of ways(7 Trusted Source).

Dietary supplements containing fish oil may assist to increase skin hydration and strengthen the skin's fatty acid barrier, which aids in hydration. High-dose oral fish oil supplements dramatically enhanced skin hydration, reduced water loss, and cured dryness-related skin irritation in rats with acetone-induced dry skin, according to a 90-day study (8 Trusted Source).

In fact, after 60 days of treatment, the fish oil group experienced a 30% improvement in skin moisture, according to the study. Furthermore, studies show that daily treatment with doses of fish oil ranging from 1–14 grams of EPA and 0–9 grams of DHA for 6 weeks to 6 months reduced psoriasis symptoms such as scaling or dry, cracked skin (9 Trusted Source).

Fish oil has also been demonstrated to reduce skin inflammation and protect against sun damage, making it a versatile supplement for your skin. There are numerous excellent third-party-certified fish oil products on the market. Consult your healthcare practitioner first to discover which option and dose is best for you.
Fish oil may aid to hydrate the skin and reduce moisture loss. In addition, it has been demonstrated to help people with psoriasis who have dry, scaling skin.
Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body, accounting for 75% of the dry weight of your skin (10 Trusted Source).
Collagen-based supplements have been proven in certain studies to provide a variety of cosmetic advantages, including reducing wrinkles and boosting skin moisture (10 Trusted Source).

When compared to a placebo group, women who received 2.5–5 grams of collagen per day for 8 weeks had significantly improved skin elasticity and had higher skin moisture, according to a research of 69 women(11 Trusted Source).

A 12-week study of 72 women found that taking a supplement with 2.5 grams of collagen peptides plus a blend of additional components including vitamin C and zinc improved skin moisture and roughness much more than a placebo group (12 Trusted Source).

However, because the supplement also included other nutrients, it's impossible to say if collagen alone would have had the same effect.
Furthermore, the study was supported by the supplement maker, which could have influenced the findings. Taking 2.5–10 grams of oral collagen supplements per day for 4–24 weeks enhanced skin moisture and alleviated xerosis, a medical term for dry skin, according to a 2019 assessment of 11 trials. (10 Trusted Source).

If you want to take a collagen supplement to aid with dry skin, talk to your doctor first before buying a third-party certified product.
Collagen supplements have a lot of data to back them up when it comes to boosting skin hydration and treating dry skin.

Vitamin C is a vital component for skin health since it is a potent antioxidant that protects the skin and is required for collagen formation (13 Trusted Source).

In reality, vitamin C levels in the skin are extremely high, with some studies revealing up to 64 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams of epidermal skin layer (13 Trusted Source).

Increasing dietary vitamin C with vitamin C supplements has been demonstrated in studies to improve many aspects of skin health, including skin moisture. Vitamin C has been shown in some test-tube studies to improve skin barrier function and reduce water loss, which may help prevent dry skin (13 Trusted Source).

Vitamin C may also aid improve skin hydration when combined with other nutrients, according to certain research.
A 6-month trial in 47 males found that taking a supplement containing 54 mg of vitamin C, as well as marine protein and a combination of other nutrients, enhanced skin moisture much more than a placebo group (14 Trusted Source).

Similar findings have been found in other female investigations.
In a study of 152 women, it was discovered that those who took a supplement containing 54 mg of vitamin C, as well as zinc and marine protein, had much less skin roughness than those who took a placebo (15 Trusted Source).

However, because most of the known studies on vitamin C's effect on dry skin includes other nutrients, it's impossible to say whether the nutrient would have the same effect if consumed alone. Furthermore, several of the studies were funded by the pharmaceutical companies that made the medication being assessed, which could have influenced the findings.

Regardless, according to the most recent study, taking vitamin C supplements can aid with overall skin health and dry skin. Before adding a vitamin C supplement to your diet, consult a healthcare expert, as you would with any new supplement.
Vitamin C is an important ingredient for maintaining skin health. According to some research, taking additional vitamin C can help with dry skin. More research on its impact on dry skin, however, is required.
Supplementing with numerous different chemicals, in addition to the nutrients listed above, has been demonstrated in tests to be an effective strategy to improve skin hydration.

Other supplements for treating dry skin

Lactobacillus plantarum bacteria supplementation increased skin barrier function and hydration in mice and humans after 8 weeks, according to a study. More research, however, is required(16 Trusted Source).
Hyaluronic acid.
Hyaluronic acid is commonly used topically to promote skin hydration, but new research suggests that eating it alongside other nutrients can considerably improve skin hydration (17 Trusted Source).
Aloe vera. 
In a study of 64 women, supplementing with fatty acids produced from aloe vera for 12 weeks increased skin hydration and elasticity much more than a placebo (18 Trusted Source).
Ceramides are lipid molecules that are vital to the health of your skin. Ceramide supplementation has been demonstrated to enhance skin moisture, which may aid in the treatment of dry skin in some studies(19 Trusted Source), (20 Trusted Source).
According to some study, the nutrients indicated above may help moisturize and treat dry skin.
More research is needed, however, before these substances can be recommended as effective natural remedies for dry skin.
Probiotics, hyaluronic acid, aloe vera extracts, and ceramides may help dry skin, but more research is needed.

Additional considerations

Although certain supplements may assist to improve dry skin, there are various additional variables that might contribute to skin dryness and should be taken into account. Dehydration, for example, is a common cause of dry skin, so increasing your water consumption is a simple and healthy strategy to increase skin hydration (21 Trusted Source).
Dry skin can also be caused or worsened by an improper diet, vitamin deficiencies, and not eating enough(22 Trusted Source), (23 Trusted Source).
Dry skin can also be caused by specific conditions, such as kidney disease, anorexia, psoriasis, and hypothyroidism, as well as environmental allergens(24 Trusted Source).
As a result, if you're having a lot of dry, irritated skin, you should go to your doctor to rule out anything more serious. health conditions.
Dry skin can be caused by a variety of circumstances, including dehydration, allergic reactions, and disorders such as hypothyroidism.
Certain vitamins and nutritional supplements, such as vitamin D, fish oil, collagen, and vitamin C, have been demonstrated in studies to aid increase skin moisture and keep skin healthy and nourished.
However, while the supplements on this list may be beneficial to those with dry skin, it's vital to speak with your doctor if you have unexplained, persistent dry skin, since this could indicate an underlying medical condition.
Dry skin can be a sign of an underlying health condition, so it’s important to contact your healthcare provider if you have unexplained, significantly dry skin.
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