Accelerate Weight Loss Results With These 6 Delicious Teas

BY Happy Me Feeling Good

1. Boost Metabolism With Green Tea

When it comes to health benefits, green tea is a powerhouse. It is derived from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, one of the varieties of tea known as true teas. To encourage a healthier lifestyle, the Chinese and Japanese often drink green tea with each meal. Green tea can help protect the health of the heart, minimize high blood pressure, lower blood sugar and improve the immune system with very little side effects, among a wide range of benefits.

Thanks to powerful compounds called flavonoids and catechins, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), green tea extract can help you shed belly fat, helping to increase your metabolic rate, boost energy levels and decrease fat storage.

A study published in the Journal of Research in Medical Sciences has shown that consistent intake of green tea improves the metabolism of fat and results in weight loss. The research split 63 volunteers into three categories. The first group was a placebo, the second group drank 2 cups of green tea a day and the third group drank 4 cups of green tea a day. After 2 months, researchers found that there was a substantial decrease in body weight, body mass index and waist circumference in the group that drank 4 cups of green tea a day .

There is also proof that drinking green tea will turbo-charge the capacity of your body to burn fat, helping you meet your goals for weight loss even faster. A second study showed that green tea signals the release of fat by fat cells and enhances the ability of the liver to turn body fat into energy. Participants drank four to five cups of tea a day and integrated their routine with a 25-minute workout. Besides daily exercise, people who drank green tea lost an average of 2 pounds more than those who merely exercised.

To raise your metabolism, drink green tea before or during each meal. Make your workouts more successful before going to the gym by adding a green tea supplement to your pre-workout routine or drinking a big cup of green tea. If you are wanting a treat, you can also brew it into a latte, but don't want all the extra sugar. This type of tea also makes an excellent iced tea or cold green lemon tea for cooling off in the summer heat or after endurance exercises.

There are a range of different green teas to choose from, and most will deliver the qualities you want for fat burning. For soft, roasted and vegetal flavors, opt for Japanese green teas such as matcha green tea, Sencha Fuji green tea and Genmaicha tea.  Alternatively, if you prefer solid, bold flavor profiles, try Chinese green teas like Formosa Gunpowder green tea. As they are steamed, Japanese green teas tend to be sweeter, whereas Chinese teas are stronger since they are roasted. In order to fulfill a sweet tooth while improving your metabolism, herbal tea blends such as jasmine green tea and dandelion green tea are a good alternative.

2. Combat Cravings With Peppermint Tea

Maintaining a balanced diet is a big part of losing weight. If you're not fond of power foods like quinoa and kale, it can be hard to stick to balanced foods. Sugar, salty and fatty food cravings can make it easy to abandon your diet and slip back into bad habits. Banish cravings by drinking mint tea and help your weight loss goals remain on track.

Inside its fragrance profile, the science behind peppermint teas craving crushing forces lies. A research performed by the Journal of Neurological and Orthopedic Medicine found that, on average, participants who inhaled mint essential oil regularly every two hours lost 5 pounds per month.

Aromatherapists claim that the fragrance of peppermint causes the brain to have chemical reactions that decrease feelings of hunger. Peppermint tea can also help alleviate bloating, helping you feel more at ease after every meal.
In a large teacup, mix hot water and peppermint leaves and inhale deeply when drinking. If you wish to avoid cravings on the go, you can use peppermint tea bags for convenience. As they contain more of the chemical compounds responsible for health benefits, the best weight loss teas tend to come from loose tea leaves. Whichever tea variety you select, make sure to breathe in the aroma of mint to get the best results.

3. Increase Energy With Oolong Tea

Finding the energy to exercise and the discipline to stick to your diet are the toughest things about losing weight. On both fronts, Oolong tea, or 'black dragon tea,' can help you. This tea, like those found in green teas, is chock full of catechins. These strong compounds help fat metabolize, resulting in high energy levels and rapid loss of fat. The delicious flavor will have you reaching for a cup of tea instead of unhealthy treats and desserts.

A research undertaken by the Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine looked at the impact of oolong tea in 102 obese people to encourage weight loss. The participants were given 8 grams of oolong tea every day for 6 weeks, around 4 8-ounce cups. 70% of participants lost at least 2 pounds at the end of the study, while 22% lost more than 6 pounds.
Researchers claim that drinking daily oolong tea will help obese people increase energy and weight loss.

In tea, the catechins help your body to attack fat cells, and oolong tea's mild caffeine content can give you the boost you need to get through a workout.

The kind and brand of Oolong Teas.
 Most types are floral teas that have a touch of sweetness that invigorates the taste buds with a bold flavor profile. Choose to use milk with your oolong tea if you are trying to limit your caloric intake. Deliciously smooth and slightly sweet. Two other great options are Ti Kuan Yin or Se Chung oolong tea if you prefer the herbaceous flavors of traditional oolongs.

4. Block Fat With White Tea

White tea is one of the most balanced teas out there and one of the most natural of all. This tea is not refined like other teas and before it is packaged and delivered to grocery stores near you, it is simply harvested and sun dried. White tea contains higher concentrations than other more refined teas of potent compounds like catechins and polyphenols. These compounds help avoid, in the first place, the development of new fat cells.

The effects of white tea on fat cells in vitro were investigated in a report published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism. Researchers also found that in white tea, the antioxidant EGCG inhibits the development of fat cells, helping to decrease weight gain. These antioxidants have also stimulated the breakdown of fats, making this diet tea a healthy option if you want to lose weight or stop adding weight. Animal studies also suggest that white tea can help prevent the storage of fat, but to validate these effects, human trials are needed.

Four major varieties of white tea exist. Silver Needle and White Peony are the two most common and highest quality varieties. Silver Needle white tea is produced using only the tea plant's flower buds and has a delicate, slightly sweet flavor. White Peony is made using both the tea plant's flower buds and leaves. It is darker in color than Silver Needle and appears to have a better taste. When combined with exercise and a meal schedule, it's a smart way to minimize calorie consumption and promote weight control.

5. Stop Hunger With Rooibos Tea

A bright maroon colored tea, Rooibos tea is as visually appealing as it is good. With sweet and tart notes, the tea provides a taste profile similar to hibiscus tea. It is exclusively grown from the 'red bush' plant in the Cederberg area near Cape Town in South Africa. This tea contains aspalathin, a chemical compound that helps to stop hunger and leaves you feeling full.

A study published in the Science Public Library showed that consumption of rooibos tea could decrease weight gain induced by stress. In rooibos tea, aspalathin acts to decrease stress hormones like cortisol, which can cause appetite and encourage fat retention. Stress can lead to binge eating and overeating, which can lead to weight loss objectives being derailed. You will decrease your levels of tension, feel more comfortable and fight hunger by regularly drinking rooibos tea.

Naturally, Rooibos is caffeine free, so you can enjoy a cup  whenever you want, right before bed. With a refreshing finish, it offers a nutty and citrusy flavor profile. During each meal or when you feel stressed out and are prone to binge eating, drink a cup. Rooibos tea is commonly used for masala chai as a base tea. The addition of spices such as cardamom, cinnamon, ginger and black pepper makes this spiced tea even more delicious. For a smooth, invigorating treat, steam up you Rooibos masala chai and add a splash of soy milk or rice milk.
Filled under Weight Loss Tips
Pu-erh tea is a genuine ageing tea. It can be aged for more than 50 years naturally or by artificial methods that stimulate the growth of healthy microbes that ferment the tea gently. Naturally oxidized pu-erh teas are referred to as fresh pu-erh, whereas microbial oxidized teas are referred to as ripe pu-erh.

A study published in Phytotherapy Research found that in people affected by metabolic syndromes, pu-erh tea helped to reduce weight. A small decrease in BMI and body weight occurred in participants who drank pu-erh tea three times a day for three months. Additional research shows that consumption of pu-erh tea, even when combined with an unhealthy diet, can reduce weight gain.

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